How Much Weight Does a Baby Gain in the Last Month

How much weight should a baby gain in a month naturally?

Many factors depend on the overall health of your baby. A baby will gain every month depending upon the genetics, their diet, and the milk they are consuming, is it powdered milk or breast milk. Breastfeed babies gain weight faster as compared with formula milk-fed babies. So the question is How Much Weight Should A Baby Gain In A Month?

Parents' most common question about their kids is how much weight should a baby gain in a month? Here, we will help you understand the science behind it and make you aware of your kid. A baby gains a few ounces in the first month and gradually increases their weight after each passing month.

You can also visit your pediatrician who tracks your child's weight, height on the growth chart. The doctor used this chart to determine your baby's progress and compared it with other babies of the same age and sex.

Factoring the Birth Weight

How Much Weight Should A Baby Gain In A Month 1

Few factors which affect the ideal weight of infants are as follows:

  1. A baby can get medical diseases in the womb by their mother, which means the parent can inherit it. This can lead to low birth weight of the baby.
  2. By studies, it is found that women age more than 35 years tend to have larger babies, whereas teen pregnancy produces underweight babies.
  3. A big can be a baby's BMI. Suppose a BMI is less than 19, than there are more chances that your baby is underweight. If a BMI greater than 24 risks, the delivery weight of the baby to be quite large.
  4. A trouble-free and smooth pregnancy also leads to a normal weight delivery baby. Any kind of complication will lead to affect the optimum weight of the baby.
  5. Mothers need to take extra precautions during pregnancy. If the mother's lifestyle is unhealthy such as drinking and smoking, it may lead to reduced birth weight of the baby.

Baby weight Gain in Weeks

Many parents don't have the correct knowledge about normal baby weight gain. Still, in this section, we will discuss the average expectations for breastfed babies' weight gain.

Following are the weight distribution in different weeks as the baby grows:

  • In the first few days of birth, babies started to lose weight, and after 10 days, they will regain the same weight they had at the time of birth.
  • In the initial three months of birth, a baby should gain at least 140 grams per week. These figures are extracted from the average growth chart, which we had discussed earlier.
  • Between three to six months of age, the baby should gain weight at 105 and 147 grams per week. The weight gain slows down at this part of the age.
  • After six months, the weight gain rate slows down even further to 70 to 91 grams per week.

According to the pediatrician, if these figures change, you should immediately consult your doctor; otherwise, it will affect your child's overall growth both physically and mentally.

On average baby double their weight by four or five months and triple their weight after that for a year. How much weight should a baby gain in a month as it depends on their mother's diet, such as breast milk or powdered milk?

Parents should be aware that the baby's weight depends more on the mother's diet and health during pregnancy than genetics.

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Avg Baby Weight gain In a Month

Most people are confused about their baby's actual weight gain in a month with overall baby weight. A healthy baby comes in a range of height and weight. Healthy infants grow with a fairly predicted weight, which was defined by growth chart.

Average weight gain in a month of an infant is divided into multiple weeks and months. Following are the general guidelines for infant growth in the first year:

  • First six months of the birth, a baby grows on an average of 1/2 to 1 inch per month and gains 5 to 7 ounce per week depending upon what you feed them. Expect your baby's weight to double his or her weight by about age 5 months.
  • From six to 12 months of age, a baby will grow up to 3/8 inch a month and gain weight up to 3 to 5 ounce every week. Expect your baby to boom his or her weight by about age 1 year.

Baby's doctor will track your baby's weight and health; they also inform you when your baby starts losing weight or stop gaining weight. Your baby's position on the growth chart isn't as important as the growth chart curve.

Causes Of baby not gaining weight(sickness & not enough calories)

How Much Weight Should A Baby Gain In A Month 2

A newborn baby infant should take about 1 to 2 ounce of breast milk or formula every day for at least 3 hours. A premature baby needs more calories than term babies. Doctors will identify if your baby is healthy or not by checking the weight of the baby. The problem of not gaining a baby's weight is as follows:

  • Problem with Feeding– The most common reason for your baby's lack of weight gain could be that the baby is not feeding sufficiently or is not getting enough breast milk.
  • Any pre-existing medical conditions- Another reason for your baby's lack of weight gain could be pre-existing medical conditions such as mother has inverted nipples. There can be numerous such reasons, so it is suggested that you see a doctor and go through a full set of tests requested by the doctor. Once the cause has been identified, then it can be cured easily.

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If your baby is having some symptoms of slow weight gain or not gaining weight at all, then in this section, we are going to discuss the solution. Increasing your baby's weight should be done slowly and in a controlled manner. The following are the few things which you can do to increase the weight of your baby fastly.

  • There are many treatment methods to help improve your baby's weight. Some are very common such as using the nipple shield technique to help with breastfeeding—another one where you can feed the baby from a dropper or bottle. You can also buy supplements for kids as guided by the doctor as supplements help gain weight more effectively.
  • There are numerous home remedies to improve your baby weight gain. Home much weight should a baby gain in a month is good, but how to improve baby normal weight gain is another point to discuss. The most common home remedy you can do is feed your baby as much as possible in a day. It will increase the caloric intake of the baby, which will result in weight gain.

Learn More About Healthy Growth For Baby

Take Proper Care

People often ask how much weight a baby should gain in a month because they don't have enough knowledge about the whole process behind the baby's weight. A breastfed baby will lose weight during the first 2 weeks and after they start gaining weight gradually. If your baby is not gaining weight or your baby weight is degrading, then you should consult the doctor immediately.

They may be much reason for the slow weight gain, and it is completely normal if your baby is gaining weight rapidly. All the parents should breastfeed their children and avoid using powdered and formula feed. Two to three times, breast milk is enough for a newborn to start.

Heather Canaday is a well-known health expert and nutrition. She is one of the dietitians registered consistently working in the nutrition communication aspects – as on staff magazine writer, editor, blogger, columnist, speaker, best selling New York Times author, spokesperson, regular national TV guest, a contributor to the national news network, and practitioner. Read Her Full Bio Here

How Much Weight Does a Baby Gain in the Last Month


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